Individual Therapy in NJ

Are you feeling Stuck in your relationship?

Do you have a history of relational trauma?

Are you looking to work on yourself so you can better your relationship?

Individual therapy is an opportunity and an investment to work one-on-one and explore and address any emotional, behavioral, and mental health concerns you may have that may be impacting your life or relationship.

Therapy allows you to expand your self-awareness and approach problems with greater clarity, confidence and self-compassion.

When should you decide to go for Individual Therapy

We thrive when we are emotionally healthy. And when we’re not doing well, it reflects in our life choices as well as our relationships with others

It is critical for us to heal inner wounds if we are to have a happy and meaningful partnership with others.

For nearly 20 years, I have helped individuals presenting with a very wide variety of difficulties, including:

s Anxiety or Stress about their relationship

s Parenting issues

s Discernment Counseling (to stay or go)

s Loss or grief

s Dealing with a breakup or divorce

s Family Issues or estrangement

s Health or mental health issues

What to expect in Individual Therapy

I help clients have a better, stronger relationship with themselves so that they can more fully love their partner.

During your first few sessions, you’ll see the connection between the relational trauma of the past & how it is showing up in the present. You’ll also learn to tune into your feelings and take personal responsibility for them, as well as all the parts that exist within you leading you consciously or unconsciously towards some actions..

Then you’ll connect to a personal source of guidance, feel compassion for yourself and then move into an intention to learn about why you’re having these feelings and how to address them.

Next, you’ll learn if you’re causing your feelings by your thoughts or behavior or if they’re a natural consequence of what you’re experiencing. If you’re making yourself have feelings such as resentment, shame and jealousy, then you’ll learn how and why you’re doing this, what loving actions you need to take to feel better about yourself and then take those actions. If your feelings are a natural result of life, like feeling lonely, heartbroken or helpless, then you’ll learn how to manage these feelings and release them so that you feel peaceful and fulfilled.

The steps to doing this are simple but not always easy. That’s where I come in.

Typically, I’ll meet with you on a weekly basis. Sessions are experiential. You’re doing the inner work while I’m helping you become more aware of the specific problems you’re having.

And your learning doesn’t begin and end in your sessions with me. I’ll give you assignments each week to help you integrate what you learned in session into your daily life.

You don’t have to continue suffering painful feelings. Let me help you learn how to love yourself more fully so that you feel more peaceful, fulfilled and joyful.

Contact me to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how Individual Therapy can help you. I also provide online therapy sessions in NJ


Invest in yourself and your well-being.

Schedule a Consultation for an Individual Therapy Session now

Benefits of Individual Therapy in NJ

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Life can throw a lot of curveballs, and sometimes it can be tough to cope. Therapy can be a great way of getting back on our feet again.

Through therapy, you can gain a better understanding of yourself, your emotions, and your behaviors, which can lead to greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.

The benefits of individual therapy also extend to your relationship as it can help improve communication skills and emotional regulation both essential for healthy partnerships..

Learning new coping skills and problem-solving skills can help to deal with stress and difficult situations, which can lead to greater resilience and overall emotional well-being.

It is important to remember that therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and the benefits can vary from person to person. However, for most individuals, therapy can be a transformative and life-changing experience. It can help in treating depression, couples issues, family conflicts and much more.

How to Choose the right Individual Therapist in NJ

Choosing to see an individual therapist is a brave step. It means that you’re ready to improve your mental health and start working on yourself. However, it can also be daunting to open up to a complete stranger.

At our practice, we want to make sure that you feel safe and comfortable from the moment you walk through our door. We are specially trained to provide a supportive and non-judgmental space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings. Whether this is your first time in therapy or you’ve been in therapy for years, we will work with you to help you achieve your goals. If you’re ready to make a change, we’re here to help. Contact TherapycouchNJ today to get started on your journey to your best mental health.


Individual Therapy FAQs


What is the average cost of therapy in NJ?

The cost of therapy varies greatly depending on  the skill and expertise of the provider. At TherapycouchNJ, we charge $300 per every 45 min session for individual therapy.

What does individual therapy include?

Individual therapy includes a careful assessment of your problems and difficulties, and also strengths and coping skills. Your therapist is a great resource to run your daily problems and challenges with, as well as long-standing difficulties or problems you are experiencing. Keep in mind, the greater your perspective of the problem, the better your ability to solve it. Your therapist can help you see your blind spots and behavior that may be impacting the situation. Contact Me to learn more.

July 2024

Contact us and book

A: 174 Nassau Street #386,
Princeton,NJ 08542


9:00am - 7:00pm


9:00am - 7:00pm




9:00am - 7:00pm


9:00am - 7:00pm





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As Seen in

about me

I’m Dr. Vijayeta Sinh

Psychologist & Relationship Resiliency Expert

x Deep inside, something’s not quite right.

x Settling for feeling misunderstood, unseen, or unfulfilled in your relationship can be overwhelming.

x I’m passionate about helping people who are open and ready to show up in their relationships, to find and keep the love they deserve.

x Just call. We’ll sort through the chaos to discover your next steps in a direction that feels right for you.

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Healing is a priority. My clients agree.

I was angry, hurt, defensive, and anxious when I started couples therapy which got us nowhere. But Dr. V helped me understand how to understand my emotions and communicate with my partner so we could sort things out.
Satya S, Morristown NJ
All my life, I believed I had to be a "perfect" parent and learn how to forgive myself when I sometimes screw up. I learned how to handle my son's cursing and backtalk and get the respect I deserve. Thanks to therapy, I can feel good about being a mom.
Lea K, NYC
Dr. V taught me how to understand myself and my feelings without being ashamed of them. I learned to set boundaries and that I don't have to be everything to everyone. It's okay to say no sometimes. My confidence and self-esteem are WAY better thanks to Dr. V's compassion and knowledge.
Antara, P, Jersey City, NJ
I would have never gotten through my divorce if it wasn't for Dr. V. She helped me rebuild trust and overcome my fear of intimacy. I am now dating again and ready to move forward with my life!
Kelly K, Brooklyn, NYC